Tenasserim Island, nestled within the pristine expanse of the Mergui Archipelago in Burma (Myanmar), is a captivating gem awaiting discovery. Located at the northwestern end of the archipelago, this island lies 15 kilometers south of Kabosa Island, offering a remote and tranquil escape for adventurers and nature enthusiasts alike.
At the heart of Tenasserim Island stands its crowning glory: Tenasserim Peak. Rising to a majestic height of 494 meters, this towering peak dominates the island’s landscape, offering panoramic views of the surrounding seascape and lush forests below. The peak is a testament to the island’s rugged terrain and thickly wooded expanses.
Stretching across 10 kilometers in length, Tenasserim Island boasts an irregular shape that adds to its charm and allure. Its steep cliffs and dense vegetation provide sanctuary to a rich array of flora and fauna, making it a haven for biodiversity.
Exploring Tenasserim Island is a journey of discovery, with hidden trails winding through its pristine wilderness and revealing hidden waterfalls, tranquil streams, and diverse wildlife. The island’s remote location ensures its pristine condition, offering visitors an authentic and immersive experience amidst nature’s splendor.
As the sun sets over the horizon, casting a warm glow across the landscape, Tenasserim Island exudes an air of tranquility and serenity. Whether you’re scaling the heights of Tenasserim Peak, trekking through its lush forests, or simply basking in the beauty of its natural surroundings, every moment spent on Tenasserim Island is sure to leave an indelible mark on your soul.