Sabi Island, also known as Sabi Kyun or Trotter Island, is a captivating oasis nestled within the enchanting Mergui Archipelago of the Taninthayi Region in Burma (Myanmar). Positioned between Money Island to the south and Parker Island to the north, this island is a treasure trove of natural beauty and wonder.
The narrow channel separating Sabi Island from Money Island is known for its shallow waters, adding to the island’s secluded charm. Conversely, the channel between Sabi Island and Parker Island, stretching half a mile wide, is significantly deeper, offering passage to deeper waters.
Cloaked in dense foliage, Sabi Island is heavily forested, with lush vegetation covering much of its landscape. Scattered throughout the island are small bays boasting sandy beaches on the west side, providing idyllic spots for relaxation and exploration.
At 326 meters above sea level, Sabi Island’s highest point offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding seascape. The island is also home to Whaleback Reef, located approximately three-quarters of a mile off its northeast coast. This reef, exposed at low tide, adds to the island’s allure and serves as a haven for marine life.
Exploring Sabi Island is a journey of discovery, offering opportunities for snorkeling, hiking, and beachcombing amidst its pristine landscapes. Whether you’re exploring its lush forests, lounging on its sandy shores, or marveling at the wonders of Whaleback Reef, every moment spent on Sabi Island is sure to leave a lasting impression of awe and wonder.